Please submit your queries about vaccination tool implementation in our Q&A section. We’ll answer it and, if your question is selected, anonymize and publish both the question and our response on our website to enable broader learning.

How Can I Get Involved?

If you’re affiliated with a health-related organization in Europe, either locally or nationally, and you are interested in spreading the word about our implementation plans, we’d love to connect with you. If you are a healthcare worker in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Poland, or Portugal, particularly keen to explore potential collaboration opportunities with you.

What is the difference between a goal, a practice and a tool?

A goal is a public health objective motivating a vaccination practice.A practice refers to specific methods or approaches used in vaccination efforts.A tool is a tangible resource or software developed to support the implementation of these practices.

What are the Pilots and why are they important?

Pilots are the real-world application of our tools, guided by specific implementation plans. Their main purpose is to test the robustness of, and refine the plans so that they can be confidently adopted and deployed in different European Union Member States.