How Can I Get Involved?
If you’re affiliated with a health-related organization in Europe, either locally or nationally, and you are interested in spreading the word about our implementation plans, we’d love to connect with you. If you are a healthcare worker in Belgium, Germany,
What is the difference between a goal, a practice and a tool?
A goal is a public health objective motivating a vaccination practice.A practice refers to specific methods or approaches used in vaccination efforts.A tool is a tangible resource or software developed to support the implementation of these practices.
What are the Pilots and why are they important?
Pilots are the real-world application of our tools, guided by specific implementation plans. Their main purpose is to test the robustness of, and refine the plans so that they can be confidently adopted and deployed in different European Union Member
Does the European Vaccine Card (EVC) mean I will be refused entry if I haven’t had certain vaccines?
The EVC (European Vaccination Card) is a personal record and not a regulatory document. It is designed to help individuals keep track of their vaccinations for their own health and continuity of care. Entry requirements for countries are determined by
What is the difference between the European Vaccination Card (EVC) and the Digital COVID Certificate (DCC)?
The European Vaccination Card (EVC) is a personal document that keeps track of all administered vaccines for continuity of care. It is owned and managed by you, ensuring you have a complete record of your vaccinations for your own health
Is the European Vaccination Card (EVC) voluntary for citizens?
Yes. Both our pilot projects and the European Vaccination Card (EVC) have been designed to be entirely voluntary for citizens. The EVC is a digital version of a paper-based vaccination card, allowing individuals to own and manage their vaccination data.
Have European citizens been consulted about the European Vaccination Card (EVC)?
Yes. Between March and May 2021, a European citizen consultation regarding the European Vaccination Card was conducted as part of a European Commission project. A total of 78,000 citizens from ten European countries participated in this survey. They were asked
Why would I need a European Vaccination Card (EVC)?
A European Vaccination Card aims to ensure continuity of care. Continuity of care meansproviding consistent and high-quality medical care over time, even when a person seesdifferent doctors or visits different hospitals. This involves keeping important healthinformation, like medical records or
How would I use a European Vaccination Card (EVC) across administrative borders?
Whether you are traveling within your own country or heading abroad, having a European Vaccination Card (EVC) would make it easy to keep your vaccination records with you in different administrative regions. You could carry your EVC either as a
Where can the European Vaccination Card (EVC) be obtained?
EUVABECO is currently developing implementation plans to guide countries in setting up a European Vaccination Card (EVC). These plans will explain all the technical details and stepsneeded to set up the EVC. Once the European Vaccination Card (EVC) is implemented,
I will be traveling in the EU soon. Do I need to apply for a European Vaccination Card (EVC)?
No, you do not need to apply for an European Vaccination Card (EVC) to travel in the EU. The EVC is:
How did the European Vaccination Card start?
In December 2018, the European Council recommended creating a common vaccination card for all EU countries (recommendation 2018/C 466/01). From January 2020 to December 2021, a project was conducted to explore whether a European Vaccination Card was feasible. This project
What information will the European Vaccination Card contain?
The European Vaccination Card (EVC) is designed to be simple, secure, and compact, ensuring your privacy is protected and that it complies with data protection laws like the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The EVC, which EUVABECO is testing