
EUVABECO is set to launch five transformative tools, each aimed at enhancing vaccination efforts:

  • Medical Tool: A decision support system for healthcare professionals and patients, facilitating informed vaccination choices;
  • Social Tool: A screening tool facilitating targeted vaccine campaigns and monitoring for more effective vaccine delivery.
  • Industrial Tool: An electronic leaflet for vaccines to enable more flexible vaccine distribution.
  • Modelling and Forecasting Tool: A disease simulator to raise awareness on infection dynamics and the impact of public health interventions.
  • Digital Tool: A cross-border vaccination card, enabling lifelong continuity of care.
vaccination of children, a little boy at a doctor's appointment, an injection in the arm, children's medicine, an injection in the arm.
To facilitate the implementation of these tools, they will be combined with innovative practices. EUVABECO’s 14 partners will unite to perform a scoping review, aiming to identify innovative vaccination practices throughout Europe. By employing the Delphi panel method, we’ll achieve consensus on the practices to be used in our pilot projects. This collaborative effort will inform the development of implementation plans, paving the way for twelve pilot projects across Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, and Portugal from September 2024 to August 2025. These projects will serve as key platforms to test and improve the implementation strategies. Following the pilot phase, the practices will undergo validation to assess their suitability, transferability and sustainability across Member States. Ultimately, validated plans will be shared with Member States to encourage widespread adoption.

Project purpose

Deliver thoroughly tested and robust implementation plans to Member States…
…enabling the efficient deployment of…
     …a suite of versatile tools, each designed to support…
          …a wide range of existing vaccination practices, while also…
               …possessing the flexibility to adapt to future vaccination practice requirements…
                        …and providing comprehensive evidence of their value.


To facilitate the implementation of these tools, they will be combined with innovative practices. EUVABECO’s 14 partners will unite to perform a scoping review, aiming to identify innovative vaccination practices throughout Europe.
By employing the Delphi panel method, we’ll achieve consensus on the practices to be used in our pilot projects. This collaborative effort will inform the development of implementation plans, paving the way for twelve pilot projects across Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, and Portugal from September 2024 to August 2025. These projects will serve as key platforms to test and improve the implementation strategies.
Each implementation plan will outline:
  • A comprehensive policy recommendation and workplan, covering the organizational, technical, legal, and ethical aspects required for the tool’s deployment.
  • A tailored plan for enhancing the tool’s functionality during outbreaks, where applicable.
  • Criteria for verifying the effectiveness of the implementation.
  • Financial considerations essential for supporting the decision to implement.
Following the pilot phases, the practices will undergo validation to assess their suitability, transferability and sustainability across Member States. Ultimately, validated plans will be shared with Member States to encourage widespread adoption.

The project will be conducted over 30 months,
running from January 2024 to June 2026

WP3: Mapping

WP3 explores the vaccination strategies employed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through a scoping review, it aims to identify key practices and the associated public health objectives they address

WP4: Requirements

In Work Package 4, use cases derived from the key practices identified in WP3 will be selected for tool validation. Furthermore, tool specifications will be refined to ensure alignment with national and subnational Member State (MS) policies.

WP5: Implementation plans

In Work Package 5, robust and versatile implementations plan will be developed for each tool, complete with verification criteria

WP6: Pilot Projects

In Work Package 6, fourteen pilot initiatives will be rolled out across seven partner countries to rigorously test the implementation plans for all five categories of tools. Furthermore, these pilot projects will undergo a validation process to ensure they effectively deliver the services they are designed to provide.

WP7: Evaluation

During WP7, the execution of the implementation plans will be critically assessed, and the sustainability of the outcomes will be evaluated.

WP2: MS Uptake & Dissemination

At the core of the project, dissemination efforts (WP2) will focus on distributing communication packages containing implementation plans, along with evidence of their effectiveness and relevance. These efforts will target stakeholders not only within partner countries but also across EC countries and any other regions where they can provide value.”

Project Overview

The workflow presented below shows how Work Packages are linked.