Please submit your queries about vaccination tool implementation in our Q&A section. We’ll answer it and, if your question is selected, anonymize and publish both the question and our response on our website to enable broader learning.

How Can I Get Involved?

If you’re affiliated with a health-related organization in Europe, either locally or nationally, and you are interested in spreading the word about our implementation plans, we’d love to connect with you. If you are a healthcare worker in Belgium, Germany,

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Why would I need a European Vaccination Card (EVC)?

A European Vaccination Card aims to ensure continuity of care. Continuity of care meansproviding consistent and high-quality medical care over time, even when a person seesdifferent doctors or visits different hospitals. This involves keeping important healthinformation, like medical records or

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How did the European Vaccination Card start?

In December 2018, the European Council recommended creating a common vaccination card for all EU countries (recommendation 2018/C 466/01). From January 2020 to December 2021, a project was conducted to explore whether a European Vaccination Card was feasible. This project

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