University of Crete and its School of Medicine has developed a strong primary healthcare and public health network and it has a major contribution both as Coordinator and as a partner in European collaborative research projects, including multiple with a relevance to the COVID-19 period. It was accountable for a national training programme in teaching pharmacists how to implement and administer vaccinations against flu, while it developed a digital platform and an implementation programme in primary care addressing the vaccination hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic. UoC jointly with the University Hospital was accountable for administering the vaccination programmes in the inner Heraklion city district during the COVID-19 period. The Coordinator of the EUVABECO consortium (CL) is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Group on Vaccines (SAG) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the senior researcher (EP) currently serves in Healthcare Professionals’ Working Party of the EMA and in the Advisory Forum of the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, and as the representative of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) to the EMA; together they lead the Working Group for Vaccines at the European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC). Furthermore, UoC has collaborated via the National Organization for Healthcare Service Provision in the PHIRI (Population Health Information Research Infrastructure) and has represented Greece in the context of World Health Organization exchanges on health information and health literacy, whereas its members have served as experts for infodemic management too.