Launch of the EUVABECO (European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19) Project

Launch of the EUVABECO (European Vaccination Beyond COVID-19) Project

We are delighted to announce the upcoming launch of the EUVABECO, aiming to create conditions for innovative vaccination practices across Europe, on the 1st of January 2024. The project is to run for 30 months and is largely supported by the European Commission with funding under the EU4Health program. It is coordinated by the University of Crete, with a Consortium bringing together fourteen (14) partners in nine (9) countries, with a total budget of 8.4M EUR. 

The COVID-19 crisis has transformed vaccination practices across the world, with hundreds of innovative practices that would have otherwise only emerged years later. These practices are usually developed and generally anchored to the frameworks of their country of origin, i.e., with a rather specific legal, technical, organizational, ethical, and economic context that has allowed their emergence and implementation. 

The EUVABECO project aims to provide the Member States of the European Union (EU) with evidence-informed and validated implementation plans for key practices so as to allow Member States to reproduce the conditions for the deployment of said practices or other similar ones that would be relevant for routine vaccination or a future crisis, across borders and in different geographies and jurisdictions, 

These conditions are to be created via a set comprising versatile tools to support such practices. Preparatory groundwork allowed the EUVABECO Consortium to select five such key tools, for which a baseline version has already been implemented during the COVID-19 crisis. These will be utilised so as to elaborate, test, amend and validate the plans allowing any Member State to successfully proceed to implementation. 

The selected tools are: 

• A clinical decision system, providing justified recommendations for vaccination; 

• A screening tool to identify reach and invite vulnerable populations; 

• The electronic patient leaflet, allowing to transfer vaccines across countries without need to repackage them; 

• A modelling and forecasting tool to assess the impact of public health interventions; 

• A portable digital vaccination card to ensure lifelong traceability and continuity of care. 

The plans will be tested through twelve (12) pilot projects, to be executed from September 2024 until August 2025 in seven (7) EU Member States, i.e., Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland and Portugal. The outcomes of these pilot projects will then be assessed against a set of reference vaccination practices for a delivery of the finalized plans to Member States in 2026. 

The EUVABECO Consortium partners are: 

Luxembourg eHealth Agency (LU), Cimbiose (FR), Portugal Health General Directorate (PT), FRATEM (BE), Jagellonian University (PL), Linköping University (SE), Riga Stradins University (LV), Sciensano (BE), Syadem (FR), University of Crete (GR), University of Thessaly (GR), University of Saarland (DE), Vaccines Europe (BE) and Wroclaw Medical University (PL).  

Further information will be released in January 2024.  


To reach the EUVABECO Coordination Team, please email us at